Aaron Stokes

HCN Success Stories

When I first started pursuing my career in the medical field, I wanted to become a medical assistant and a home health aide. Having been afforded the opportunity to work with doctors, nurses, and patients, I truly fell in love with the medical field. I have found my true calling, which is helping people who are in need, and I enjoy being able to make a difference in someone's life. I honestly could not imagine working in any other profession. Becoming a nurse was the next logical step in my journey. I am finally pursuing my dreams and taking my passion to another level of patient care.


I did a lot of research before deciding on what college to attend. Hondros College of Nursing was the only college that I found that had an outstanding reputation. This was displayed with online reviews and by word of mouth from individuals who had personal experience with the college. I wanted to make sure that I went to a college where the staff/instructors truly cared about the students and wanted them to succeed. I feel as though I made a great decision.


My advice to someone who is thinking about nursing school is to stay organized and prepared. Being ahead of your assignments and readings can be difficult, but you get out what you put in when it comes to this program. I would also say that you should be sure to study for at least 2-3 hours a day if you can, to keep the information fresh in your head. This program gives you a lot of information, it helps if you organize your time outside of class to make sure you retain the information.


Aaron Stokes is a student in the Practical Nursing Program at our Dayton campus.