Arden Chesnick

HCN Success Stories

I'm Professor Arden Chesnick and I am a nursing faculty member at Hondros College of Nursing's Akron campus. I have a background in pediatric psychiatric nursing, sexual assault nurse examination, forensic nursing, and death investigation with a master's degree in forensic nursing.

As a full-time Akron faculty member, I teach three courses in three different terms for the ADN program. I love that I get to teach students in terms two, four, and five ranging from Medical Surgical Nursing to Mental Health Nursing. It's an honor to be part of their nursing journey from beginning to end and to watch the immense growth that these students experience during this time.

I went through a similar nursing program for my ADN, and I still remember and regularly connect with the teachers that made the biggest impact on me. I hope that I can be that source of support and a cheerleader for my students, as those instructors were for me.

I am so blessed to work with an amazing team in Akron that strives everyday to change the lives of our students.

Arden Chesnick is one of the Faculty at the Akron campus.