There are many reasons why I chose to pursue nursing as a career. To name a few reasons, I love helping others, the intrigue to problem solve excites me, and the knowledge that changes are needed in healthcare helps to drive me. I find satisfaction when I am in a position where someone needs my help, and I can offer it. I chose to submerge myself in an environment (nursing) where that is always the case. I have also found that with helping others there is a problem-solving aspect; what is the best way I can be of most help to this person? Being able to problem-solve and ask myself similar questions is a step I take to better my ability to care for all people in every kind of situation.
I truly believe that I ended up at Hondros College of Nursing because of divine intervention. During my time here I have met so many amazing and different kinds of people. I also met my best friend. We met on our first day of lecture and fast-forward a year later, she asked me to be the officiant in her wedding. I believe that I could have gotten a good nursing education at any good college. But I ended up at Hondros for the people I was destined to meet. I have made some lifelong friendships.
For someone considering nursing school, I would say to be sure to double-check your priorities. Why do you want to start nursing school and be a nurse? If this is a pursuit you are willing to make sacrifices for, then I will say that you will do amazing! It is not easy, but it is rewarding.
McKenna Poleway is a student in the Associate Degree in Nursing Program at our Westerville campus.