Hi, I am Tammy Johnson, I am new here at Hondros College of Nursing. This is my second term teaching. I teach three classes here at the Akron campus. I have term 2, med-surg, term 4, pediatrics, and term 5 critical care. I have a wide variety of backgrounds, with 16 years of pediatric experience. I love helping the students learn. Even though I have only been here two terms, I can see the growth from term 2 students to term 5 students. I hope to make a difference in their education.
As a nursing professor, I enjoy working with students, helping them to encompass all that nursing has to offer. Nursing is a great profession and has so many opportunities. Being able to instill that into new nurses is so rewarding. Sharing my experiences as a nurse and working in so many different settings shows the students that they have so many choices as to where they want their career to go.
I collect snoopy and have a whole office full of them. I also love purple and wearing crazy pants. My students know this and have stated that they love this. I am grateful to be working for Hondros College of Nursing and being able to help shape new nurses.
Tammy Johnson is a faculty member at the Akron campus.