I have always wanted to be a nurse. My aunt, whom I always looked up to is a nurse, so I decided to follow the same path.
I researched several different nursing colleges and asked all the nurses in my life where they personally went for their education and if they would recommend it. Most of the responses I received were about Hondros College of Nursing. Every person I spoke with mentioned that they either returned or were planning on returning to Hondros College of Nursing for their ADN program. Considering all the positive word-of-mouth statements I received; I decided to attend Hondros College of Nursing. The staff are all friendly and patient, I felt right at home right away. I love my decision to attend Hondros College of Nursing!
Be ready to work hard and learn time management. Remember to use the resources available to you! You might be scared and nervous when starting, but you will meet so many great individuals that the time will fly by, try to enjoy it while you can.
Tosha Lundberg is a student in the Practical Nursing Program at our Dayton campus.